W.D.Gann Trader is the first software program in the world to incorporate W.D. Gann’s true charting methods.
The software includes only those techniques used by Gann. There are no other indicators or systems which only serve to confuse you and make Gann's original method’s difficult to learn. The Bronze Subscription was developed to cover all the basics you need to study true Gann, in fact you don’t even need to go past this level to study and trade. In the event you want to seek a greater understanding and deeper knowledge of Ganns methods, you should consider higher level subscriptions.
The subscription cost of US $360 a year covers the following features within the software:All whats is in the bronze version plus the following:
Each of these features replicate exactly the charting methods used by Gann.
End of 2025
The forecast chart is based on AI using a 16 bar pattern. It's using Ganns maths of 1/8ths and you choose the time period by clicking the days.
The software will read only CSI data. I have been using this data since the 1980s, and have found through experience that it is the most accurate data available. In addition, CSI will provide long term historical data available only to subscriber’s of W.D.Gann Trader.